Wednesday, July 10, 2013


My parents went home today..I'm feeling a little homesick and a lot blessed for the love of all my family and friends I can count on matter the geographical distance.  
I'm also feeling pretty lucky and thankful for all your purchases and support.  
You allow me the creative outlet to keep me keep me from losing myself completely in this sometimes overwhelming role of motherhood. 

So as a thanks to all of you who have taken the time to read, comment or just "like" my postings of my work, I'd like to create something just for you.

I would love to hear about your passion..what/who makes you get out of bed every morning, who makes you tackle the highest of mountains with no caution of failure.  There are no "best" or "worst" comments, I'd just like to hear from you!  Your name will be entered in a random draw..and the chosen entry will be awarded a custom piece, created just for you.  Earrings..a necklace or a ring, I'd love to collaborate on a piece together!

Entry closes Sunday will be drawn on Monday.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

xo Blue Gnome


  1. What a beautiful idea, Tina!

    When I work with paper, I slip easily into that rejuvenating creative pool where time is of no consequence and my energy never-ending. When I write, I fidget and dawdle, bore myself asleep at my desk, and regularly stay up half the night brooding (mostly contemplating how to kill off ALL of my characters)! With paper, I'm at home; with writing, I'm completely out of my depths and wonder what the hell I'm doing. And yet, both seem utterly necessary.

    I am unbelievably blessed by my parents, my five siblings, my husband and a handful of close friends who believe in me absolutely. At times their belief in me (which always surpasses my own right when I need it to) scares the crap out of me...but without them I'm fairly certain I would have given up on this seed of an idea long ago. My husband's unwavering faith is my greatest touchstone.

    Have a gorgeous rest of the week, Tina, and thanks for the opportunity! Good luck to everyone =)


    1. Oh how I can relate to your comment! It's an amazing thing to have people who believe in you so completely that it scares the crap out of you..touchstone, indeed! xo

  2. I discovered your shop very recently and think your work is gorgeous!!

    I am not a morning person but took a second job this year as a baker's apprentice. I love melting chocolate or making granola bars first thing in the morning even if I have to wake up at three in the morning to walk my dogs before I leave for work. It has helped a little to keep my mind off my inability to get pregnant.

    P.S. Did you sell your whale ring off Etsy? Don't see it in your sales or in the shop.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Rachel! I'm tickled pink that you've stumbled upon my wee shop in the vastness of Etsy..thank you for taking the time to visit here and for leaving such a personal comment :) As for the ring, it is currently listed..I'd saved it as a draft and forgot to make the final step to make it available..geez..I'm feeling more and more my age these days! Lol. xo

  3. I, too, recently discovered your lovely shop. Lately I have been so inspired by the great outdoors and have been taking extra walks to the local park. A pair of young red-tailed hawks just recently left their nest there and many deer have been sharing the landscape with me. It inspires me and energizes me to share the world with these creatures!
    Happy Sunday!

    1. Hi Beth!
      Thank you for checking out my work..and this blog :) Always so inspiring..and humbling to be in the presence of mother nature. We're enjoying REAL summer heat this year..hope your summer's been fantastic where you are! xo

  4. We live close to each other!

    My daughter is the reason I wake each morning and welcome it with open arms and an untamed soul. She is the truest form of love I have ever known. She reminds me how to run bare foot through fields, unaware of the dangers which stealth-fully lay beneath. ;)

    On that note, sometimes the newness and fear is overwhelming and strangling. Balance... How I still strive to find you.

    Your work is lovely. I would love to collab or do a trades.

    1. Are you in Toronto too?? :)
      Seeing the world through my son's eyes have been such an awakening for me too..what a joy it's been to introduce him to the everyday things we so often take for granted..a summer's breeze rustling through the trees..seeing your reflection in a puddle on the ground..and when he squeals in glee and claps his hands, the love is sometimes..overwhelming and yes, the truest form of love :) Thank you so much for stopping by! xo

  5. Ha Tina!
    I say overwhelming after having 4.. and a husband! sheesh, some days I feel as though I need to find a wife just to keep up ;)

