Thursday, November 9, 2017

My life in a nutshell.

We are expecting our very first snowfall of this season tonight..already into November, I am grateful for the slower pace this colder weather has brought.  This summer and fall have been a whirlwind few months, renovating a flimsy garage into a beautiful 2 bedroom studio space for my family to stay during their visit at the end of September and installing a full kitchen there for the caterers to work out of for our wedding would have been work enough to begin and complete in a few months!  But there was more..way too much more..and now that the weather outside has become less desirable to work in, thankfully the weekends are a little less busy and our nights a little cozier as we fired up our fireplace last weekend.  It's a little embarrassing to see that my attempt to keep up with my blog here seems to have failed miserably yet again.  Then again, undertaking a major renovation and landscaping project and planning a wedding all within the same season was..well, nuts.  Highly not recommended if you value your sanity and emotional well being!



The wees in my life are growing like determined little weeds, Leo navigating his way through senior kindergarten and the "baby"now almost 18 months and learning to fend for herself amongst the hierarchy of her older siblings, furred and non-furred.  A tough little nut, she elbows her way to the front of the line at every occasion and despite our best efforts, has learned that the squeaky wheel does indeed always get the grease.  It's a noisy household we have here, our evenings and dinner time an all out war as some of us try to chat, sing songs learned in class, yell to be heard over the commotion and the smallest one slaps her spoon against the table while the furry girl lies patiently under the table waiting for the windfall from the slapping spoon.  It's crazy and noisy and all sorts of annoying but it's also amazing and wonderful and full of life and love.  It's a life that might send some running for the hills but one I wouldn't trade for the world.  

So my life lately in a nutshell.  I'm going to REALLY try to make more frequent posts here.  I think the problem is that I feel the pressure of having to make every post long and it's easier to turn to the Blue Gnome Emporium Facebook page for short blurbs or Instagram for daily updates.
I'm not even sure if anyone reads this this blog worth continuing..?
I'd love to hear from you if you've been following along!  Do you have a blog you struggle to continue?  I'd love to hear what you do to motivate yourself when feedback is you just treat it like a therapeutic diary of sorts and hope it's reaching someone who can relate?  

Our gurgling stream where we hang out to get away from the afternoon heat.

Daily trail walk with my brood.

With love from Caledon,
Blue Gnome xo


  1. Thanks, Tina :) LOVE the pics and your lovely way with words. Also, can't believe the baby is already 18 months old!

    1. Aww..thank you Beth! Isn't it crazy how quickly time is flying by?? Now if only these winter months would do the xx

  2. Yes! I love reading your posts, infrequent or otherwise. Those woods, that stream...gorgeous. Love seeing your before and after photos...amazing transformation. And your little ones are looking so happy and wonderful. We had snow all last week. A bit early for me, but it's here nonetheless. Wishing you well on completing your renovations...and wedding plans!!! Congratulations and sending my warmest wishes. Here's to a lovely holiday season. Ash xo

    1. Ash!'s been ages! :) I was just repairing your adorable angel..getting her ready for the holiday season, it seems her arm popped off during storage..but as good as new again! Are you still creating them and writing?? Much love to you! xx
