Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy New Year..And the Arrival Of The Wee Bean


We hit the ground running in 2012, an unexpectedly early addition to our family made his entrance at 2am on January 2nd.  Leo arrived with a full head of hair and a whole lot of attitude after an exhausting trip down the birth canal.  It's been a long road for little Leo..he's been busy growing, developing, living in quarters that had gotten quite tight in the last few months of 2011.  His entrance was quite spectacular and took every little ounce of his being, announcing his arrival with loud healthy screams, perfect tiny toes and fingers curled tightly in determined protest.  It was warm and safe in there..and now it's our duty to see that he's warm, safe and loved out here in this big, big world.  

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the midwives who made every effort to fulfill our birth plan in welcoming Leo into an environment of calm, without any intrusive measures what so ever.  I'd also like to thank those people who told me time and time again that I wouldn't be able to deliver this perfect little person without medication.  Because without them, I would't have been so damn determined to honor the natural in natural childbirth.  The experience was unreal..never have I been so aware of the miracles of mother nature..when you let go of the instinctive urge to be in control of your body and let nature take over.  All you can do is try to relax and go along for the ride because turning back isn't an option at that point.  And what a ride it was!

So, as wonderful and miraculous as this experience has been the not-so-wonderful phase has begun.  

Whoever thought that 3 consecutive hours of sleep could be such a glorious thing?   

Running on not much more than fumes these days, the days and nights seem to all blend together and the weeks have flown by.  In the wee hours of the morning when the house is asleep, I've been frantically sketching whilst balancing Leo in the other hand.  I have a ton of new ideas that I've been dying to get started on.  Now all I need is a priceless little thing called time.  So bear with me..the updates on the blog will be far and few between but I have some ideas that I hope to share soon :)  

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season in 2011 filled with love, family and great friends.  A time to reflect on the past year, forget all your regrets and face the new year with a kind heart, rejuvenated soul and hope.  
And love.  Don't ever pass up an opportunity to love.  

This will be your year. 

A blank canvas waiting for your brush strokes of creativity, brilliance and a brand new opportunity for you to make your mark in this world.  

This will be your year.

xo Blue Gnome


  1. Oh, what a darling wee boy. Leo is gorgeous--congratulations! (And I applaud your choosing the birth process that was right for you, not very easy in a time when medical interference is generally considered the only 'safe' option.)

    I hope you are now managing more than three hours of sleep a night. (My mum liked to tell us that once you have kids, parents won't sleep a night through until their kids leave home. I can't imagine that can be true. We were all angels!)

    Warmest wishes to a wonderful year ahead, with all the amazing changes and chances to love a new born brings. And may you find 'time' when you need it most.

    1. Ash - Thank you :) Time management is getting better! My parents figure this is pay back time..apparently I never slept as a baby either..they're very happy being grandparents in that they can come visit and LEAVE whenever they want!
