Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Rainy Day Giveaway!

**  Friday, April 12th **

And we have a winner!  
A big thank you to everyone who got in touch with me..via twitter, this blog or when blogger failed, by email :)  I love your feedback and hearing from you is always such a treat.
After 27 entries..we've randomly selected a name out of the (cookie) jar..Shannon.M from VA, USA!  Yay!  Thanks so much for participating..and I wholly agree that forget-me-nots should be given the status of spring flowers and not weeds! You'll have to get me your mailing address..will contact you by email!   
Have a fantastic weekend everyone! xo BG


We've been hit with a few days of rainy, dreary weather this week and the forecast for tomorrow is..gasp!..snow??  
Unbelievable..will this winter ever come to an end?

To brighten things up a little on this dark and rainy Wednesday, I've decided to have an impromptu giveaway!  For no better reason than that free stuff always brightens up a persons day..
and my, you deserve something to be given to you for no apparent reason at all, don't you think?

So for those of you interested in putting your name in the raffle, I'd love to hear from you!  
Tell me your favorite spring flower..or what you're looking forward to the most this spring after winter finally decides to leave us be!

The catch?  
You have to be a follower of my blog to comment..or simply follow me on Twitter and shoot me a msg!

Oh, and the item I'm giving away?  I nearly's a Collections necklace made especially for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you lovelies.. xo BG

**  Contest closes midnight tomorrow and the winner announced here on Friday, April 12th! **


  1. Winter Storm Warning for Toronto... I thought is was April!?

    I just want to be able to play outside without six players of clothes! That's what I am looking forward to... playing. I want to play in my vegetable garden, I want to play in my front yard (aka landscaping), I want to play on my deck (aka building and staining), I want to play in the park (aka jogging) and I want to play in the park with my nephew!!!

    I hope that this extended winter means we have earned an amazing summer! *fingers crossed* (aka *cold fingers crossed*)

  2. Oooh, love the aquamarine - did you know it is my birthstone? And Serafina's, too!
    Can't wait for the spring flowers - my favourites are purple crocuses and daffodils. There is a house on the street where I work that has filled their yard with hundreds of daffodil bulbs that bloom every year covering the lawn in beauty. I will really miss walking by that house on my way to work, now that I am home with the baby. Also, you should visit us! Let's plan a date - I will call you. xo, A

    1. Would love to come for a visit! Perhaps in the beginning of May..when the weather's a little nicer..? :) xo

  3. Love this necklace!! This spring I am planting lilacs, lavender and a ton of Dalia's :) I cant wait!!!
    This is Susie, :)

    1. Susie! those spring lovelies as well..xo BG
