Friday, April 26, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Little Bear Magic

Quiet confidence, loyalty and the protector of family values.


Because hell hath no fury like a woman protecting her family.

Available now in the shop.

xo Blue Gnome

Monday, April 15, 2013

Glorious colour!

And we have some gorgeous, vibrant, breathtaking colour!  
A sneak peek at what's been going on in the shop lately..more lovely, spring-inspired items are on their way! 

xo Blue Gnome

Bear Totem; Sterling, turquoise, carved coral

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Rainy Day Giveaway!

**  Friday, April 12th **

And we have a winner!  
A big thank you to everyone who got in touch with me..via twitter, this blog or when blogger failed, by email :)  I love your feedback and hearing from you is always such a treat.
After 27 entries..we've randomly selected a name out of the (cookie) jar..Shannon.M from VA, USA!  Yay!  Thanks so much for participating..and I wholly agree that forget-me-nots should be given the status of spring flowers and not weeds! You'll have to get me your mailing address..will contact you by email!   
Have a fantastic weekend everyone! xo BG


We've been hit with a few days of rainy, dreary weather this week and the forecast for tomorrow is..gasp!..snow??  
Unbelievable..will this winter ever come to an end?

To brighten things up a little on this dark and rainy Wednesday, I've decided to have an impromptu giveaway!  For no better reason than that free stuff always brightens up a persons day..
and my, you deserve something to be given to you for no apparent reason at all, don't you think?

So for those of you interested in putting your name in the raffle, I'd love to hear from you!  
Tell me your favorite spring flower..or what you're looking forward to the most this spring after winter finally decides to leave us be!

The catch?  
You have to be a follower of my blog to comment..or simply follow me on Twitter and shoot me a msg!

Oh, and the item I'm giving away?  I nearly's a Collections necklace made especially for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you lovelies.. xo BG

**  Contest closes midnight tomorrow and the winner announced here on Friday, April 12th! **

Friday, April 5, 2013

Bling, Bling!

 Wildflowers - embossed sterling & citrine

Stacking Rings - Sterling, amethyst, chrysoprase, aquamarine, garnet & amber

xo Blue Gnome

Bangs..Or No Bangs?

An unexpected order will be helping me do a little spring cleaning in the shop this week..out with the old..the in with the new will surely follow!  
We're having a tough time this year moving old man winter along on his way.  Leaving to run errands just last week in glorious spring-like weather and coming home in a snow storm isn't something even us Canucks are used to.  I've seen some brave ladies out there wearing adorable little flats in various shades of spring, mincing around the frozen over puddles and slush still on the sidewalks, pretending that their bare legs haven't gone numb from the frigid winds.  
I'll even welcome my spring allergies with open arms if we can just get the warmer weather to stay.

And as the weather has me fidgeting around impatiently, this time of year is also when I'm suddenly totally and completely sick of my hair.  
I've been toying with the idea of cutting bangs (again!) although if I actually think about it, I'm pretty sure the last few times I've run to my hairdresser with that same request, I've left the salon obsessively trying to brush away that foreign feeling of having something taped to my forehead.  There's usually about a 2 week period where I actually enjoy having them and I have fun changing my make up and outfits to better suit my new "look", then inevitably comes the "growing out" phase which always seems to take forever.  My mother mentioned the last time I had bangs that I was squinting a lot..the sensation of having something touching my eyelashes all the time led to me squinting..which in turn gave me a chronic headache until I finally gave up and pinned them out of the way.  
And yet I persist.  
I desperately want to like love them.  
I want to be like Jane Birkin in the 70's, with her huge doe-eyes and her casual elegance with the blunt cut bangs and sweeping long hair.  And so although it didn't work out quite like that the last few times, I'm pretty confident that it might this time.  And as I look longingly at my phone right now..
God help me, please don't let me make an appointment..

Jane Birkin - 1968

Jane Birkin - 1969

**  A self forced intermission..a lovely cup of tea has brought me back to my senses...almost. **

I'm still on the fence about it..ah, the important dilemma one faces.  The threat of a nuclear attack from North Korea is nothing compared to the life changing decision of committing to a drastic haircut.  More on this will follow another day.  
The bread needs kneading and the wee monster stirs in his lair upstairs..

Have a wonderful Friday afternoon lovelies!  And I'll try not to do anything drastic this weekend that I might later regret..

xo Blue Gnome

Monday, April 1, 2013

Celebrating Spring With Sterling

Sterling, Embossed Wildflowers

Sterling, Embossed Branches

Sterling, Pussy Willows


A big thank you to C for purchasing the Roaring 20's  and Seedling rings!
How delightful of you to support handmade..xo BG


xo Blue Gnome