Monday, January 27, 2014

We've come a long way baby!

We're finally home after a couple of weeks of being in B.C. for some quality time with the folks, catching up with some old friends and just doing a whole lot of nothing.  With no domestic chores waiting to be tackled, no empty studio calling to be fired was a glorious time of walks, talks and leisurely tea drinking.  One of the things I look forward to the most during these visits home are the dates I have with one of my oldest, dearest friends.  
It's simple amazing how our friendship has withstood the test of time, geographical distance and the introduction of these "little beings" who have turned our lives upside down and filled it with a whole lot of chaotic, messy love that you truly need to experience first hand to fully understand.  
Here, with her, I can talk about my darkest fears, my most hopeful dreams and make confessions with no doubts of being judged or abandoned.  
Oh we've had our differences over the years..called each other names, criticized one another's dating choices and been witness to our sh**box first vehicles..a poo-brown Buick Skylark that drove and parked like a couch on wheels and a hatchback Pontiac Firefly that used to almost get blown right off the highway whenever a logging truck or tracker trailer came along!  

Haha..oh, we've come a long way baby!

One of a few people I hold near and dear, a kindred spirit that I hope to grow old with while we watch our own kids love and fight with one another like we did.  Love you J!

 ..when our lives were less complicated.

Our three little monkeys..look out world!

Who do you hold close to your heart?

xo Blue Gnome

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